
Overseeding Your Saskatoon Lawn: Answering the 10 Most Common Questions

Reading time: 6 minutes

Ever walked out onto your lawn early morning and thought, "Hmm, could use a bit of a pick-me-up"?

If your lawn looks sparse or just needs a refresh, overseeding is probably the spa treatment it needs. In Saskatoon, lawns brave everything from frigid winters to blazing summers. And giving your grass a little extra attention isn’t just nice—it’s necessary!

Today, we’re diving deep into overseeding and answering your most commonly asked questions. Trust us, it’s far more exciting than it sounds.

Front lawn after Green Drop overseeding treatment

1. What is Overseeding?

Overseeding is the sprinkling of new grass seeds over your existing turf. It gives your lawn a fresh lease on life and helps thicken up those thinner patches that make your lawn look more like Jason Momoa’s beard.

It plays a big part in improving your lawn's density and overall health. By introducing a variety of grass strains, overseeding can enhance your lawn's resilience to pests, diseases, and weather fluctuations.

It's an effective way to infuse new life into worn-out or aging lawns and ensure stability throughout the changing seasons.

2. Why is Overseeding Important for My Lawn?

In Saskatoon, the contrasting seasons take a toll on lawns. It’s vital for combating wear and tear that results from seasonal extremes.

Overseeding fills in thin areas where grass has died back, preventing weed invasion and maintaining an even, lush appearance. Moreover, introducing new grass seeds helps build a denser turf, enhancing its resilience against environmental stresses such as drought and frost.

By increasing turf density, overseeding also improves the lawn’s overall health, enabling it to withstand pest infestations and diseases more effectively.

3. When is the Best Time to Overseed?

The timing of overseeding is pivotal to its success, especially in Saskatoon’s climate. The ideal times to overseed are during the late spring or early fall.

Fall overseeding gives the seeds a chance to establish themselves before the winter, benefiting from the cooler temperatures and autumn rains, which enhance germination and root growth. Spring overseeding, done as soon as the soil is workable, strengthens the grass before the summer heat.

Both seasons offer moderate temperatures that support seed germination without the summer heat or winter cold. Choosing the right time ensures the seed has the best environment to thrive, leading to a robust growth season.

4. Do I Need to Aerate Before Overseeding?

Our GreenKeepers recommend aerating your lawn before overseeding, especially in climates like Saskatoon’s.

Aeration involves perforating the soil with small holes, allowing air, water, and nutrients to penetrate the grass roots. This process helps to break up compacted soil and creates a better environment for the new seeds to establish contact with the soil. This is essential for effective germination and growth.

Aeration also enhances the overall health of the lawn by improving the soil structure and increasing nutrient flow. So, it’s an ideal precursor to overseeding for a thicker, healthier turf.

Aeration tool used by Green Drop

5. What Type of Grass Seed Should I Use for Overseeding?

It’s all about using the right grass. The selection should complement the climate and the existing grass type in your lawn.

Native cool-season grasses, such as Kentucky Bluegrass, June grass, and Little Bluestem, are ideal for Saskatoon’s weather conditions. These species are resilient to cold and can thrive during the cooler temperatures of spring and fall.

Match the seed type to your current lawn to ensure uniformity in texture and colour. You want to enhance both the aesthetic and functional characteristics of your turf.

6. How Do I Prepare My Lawn for Overseeding?

Prep your lawn for overseeding to give new seeds the best chance of germinating and integrating into the existing turf. Here’s what to do:

  • Start by mowing your lawn to a shorter height than usual.
  • Remove the clippings to avoid smothering new seeds. This also allows more sunlight to reach the soil, warming it up and encouraging seed germination.
  • Clean up any debris, leaves, or dead grass to prevent fungal growth and ensure clean soil contact for the seeds.

7. How Much Seed Should I Apply?

Typically, for Saskatoon lawns, applying about 15–20 grams of seed per square meter is recommended. This rate ensures dense enough seeding to promote a lush lawn without causing excessive overlap that can lead to competition for resources.

Ensure even distribution using a broadcast spreader, which helps avoid clumps where seeds could suffocate each other. Careful measurement and even application are key to maximizing germination rates and achieving uniform growth across your lawn.

8. Post-Overseeding Care

After overseeding, your lawn requires careful attention to ensure the new grass establishes well. Begin with light, frequent watering sessions to keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. This is crucial in the first few weeks when seeds are germinating.

Once the new grass reaches mowing height, cut it for the first time. Be sure to use a sharp blade to avoid pulling up young plants.

Additionally, after overseeding, applying a starter fertilizer can help to support root development and early growth, ensuring a robust start for your new grass.

9. Can Overseeding Help With Weed Control?

Yes, overseeding can be a highly effective strategy for controlling weeds in your lawn. By introducing more grass seeds into existing turf, overseeding creates a denser, thicker lawn. This increased density is key to suppressing weed growth.

Weeds thrive in lawns with gaps or thin areas because they can easily establish roots and access sunlight and nutrients. A well-overseeded lawn minimizes these gaps, leaving less room for weeds to take hold.

Furthermore, a robust, dense turf outcompetes weeds for essential resources such as light, water, and nutrients, making it difficult for the weeds to survive and proliferate.

10. Common Mistakes While Overseeding?

  • Not assessing the soil before overseeding can lead to poor seed germination and growth. We want to ensure the soil is healthy to provide the best growing environment.
  • Applying too many seeds can lead to competition for resources, stunting growth.
  • Overseeding at the wrong time of year can reduce seed survival rates. In Saskatoon, the best times are late spring or early fall.
  • Either too much or too little watering post-overseeding can affect seed germination. Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged.
  • Not aerating before overseeding may prevent seeds from making good soil contact, which is essential for germination.
  • Mowing newly overseeded lawns too soon can pull up young seedlings. Before the first cut, wait until the grass is higher than the recommended mowing height.

You can check out some more common aeration and overseeding mistakes here.

Before and after overseeding treatment by Green Drop

Overseed Your Grass Into Gear with Green Drop!

Is your sparse lawn staring back at you, asking for help? Let Green Drop turbocharge your turf with our Beautiful Premium lawn care package.

Whether it’s lawn maintenance or overseeding, our GreenKeepers have the green thumb magic your yard has been yearning for. So, why wrestle with weeds and puzzle over patches when you can let our experts do the heavy lifting?

Book your lawn care package, and let us help you make your grass lusher than ever before. We’re proud to provide lawn care services across Western Canada in Calgary, Edmonton, Red Deer, Winnipeg and Regina, on top of Saskatoon

Book Your Beautiful Lawn Package